About Us
We are a group of volunteers committed to preserving our county's family histories.

The Okanogan Genealogy Society was formed in 1976 by a group of people dedicated to researching, saving and sharing family history.  It meets monthly {except January} on the first Thursday of the month at 1:00 P.M in the Wilson Building of the Historical Society, 1410 N. 2nd Street. Okanogan, Washington.  Anyone with an interest in genealogy and  history is welcome to attend.

What we are best at

Our Services

Our volunteers have a wealth of resources to put to work helping you with your genealogical research project.
Have some history you want us to archive? We have dedicated database and technology and would be happy to help archive your information.
Family Trees
We will help you build out and construct a family tree with data pulled from our reliable sources.
Photo Restoration
Have family photos that need to recovered/restored? We have working relationships with professionals that can help.
Data entry
Looking to digitize physical genealogical records? We can help with that.
If you have a project that involves family history, genealogic timeline, we can assist you.
Discover Your Past
Complete our online form including your address, name and other information to submit a research request to us. We charge $5.00 per hour per request.
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